Saturday 1 October 2011

Daily activity

I was looking at other things and found these blogs that I thought would be useful and have made me think about daily routines and their value. I already do a daily photo and it includes a write up generally, at

This is the second thing I looked at and was directed to it from the first, but it is what made me think about this. It's really a reason for writing everyday in a blog, even if you think you have 'nothing to say', because it improves your writing skills and also your observational skills of having opinions about things. No-one gets talkers block:

This one gives daily suggestions of topics to write about if you cannot think of something yourself: and can be followed on twitter by following the hashtag #POSTADAY2011.

It is a similar idea to another site that gives out daily assignments for photo a day projects

I believe a daily routine of a particular discipline is the best way to actually do something. If you just say that you will do it as and when, then it will always be put off until tomorrow, case in point this blog!

Wednesday 21 September 2011