Sunday, 4 August 2013

Planning laws and the way planners interpret them need to be reconsidered

I believe there should be planning control to protect the land from being over developed and turned into one mass of concrete.  This is to protect us all. Too large a proportion of hard surfaces that do not absorb water causes problems with climate and flooding.  So planning control is good.  Also to protect the country from becoming one homogenous mass of the same steel framed boxes and indistinct shells.

Meanwhile there are many people facing poverty, caught in traps unable to afford a home of their own, ending up in over crowded soulless spaces.  I believe that any dwelling created by the person who then lives in it from locally sourced materials, unique and individual, should not be judged on the same criteria as a developer coming in to make profit and leave.

If this story is correct, that as of the 1st August 2013 Pembrokeshire County Council's enforcement say the property must be demolished within 2 months because,

"benefits of the development did not outweigh the harm to the character and appearance of the countryside".  The planners have gone mad.  To destroy this beautiful property would be a travesty and the planners involved should be ashamed. It should be considered a temporary structure and be given a length of time that it can be there.  I would suggest 25 years.  That is time for the family who live there to grow up and leave to make homes of their own and then the elements that last that long can be reclaimed for another structure.


  1. Once it's been there 25 years, I bet they won't want to take it down. Not that I'm saying they shd tear it down now. Not when there's Stevenage town centre to get rid of first. And Harlow. And some of those appalling estates in Milton Keynes. And those shop fronts in the royal mile in Edinburgh...and all those Tesco megaliths. Sorry, I'm having a rant. I wanted to like your page, but can't find the button.

    1. Hi Elaine, thanks for your comment. Late of me to reply but I had my email notifications switched off. Your 'wanting to like' the page prompted me to investigate where the share and like options might be and now I have added. I find blogger much harder to navigate than wordpress but maybe that's just as I use it more. My reason for having a blogger site too is to have experience in both. I think the latest on this house is that they have been given the chance to apply for retrospective planning permission so good sense prevails.
